Player can enter "Phantom Form" to slow down time.
While in this form, the player can create a path for the phaser disc to follow upon exiting.

Entering and exiting phantom form with phaser disc. Using phaser disc to take out a pack of spiders. Combining phaser disc with explosive disc for burst AOE damage.

Many different weapon types were created to promote variety in combat (some more useful than others). The player can have two weapons equipped at a time, a melee and ranged weapon, along with an associated ammo type.

Phaser Disc Disc that can be placed and recalled to player, dealing damage to everything in it's path. Has multiple charges.
Explosive Disc Landmine disc that can be placed. Explodes on conttact with Phaser Disc.
Shortbow Rapid fire short range bow.
Longbow Longer range than shortbow, but significantly more damage. Shoots player backward upon firing.
Longsword Rapid swinging melee weapon. 2x critical multiplier.
Shuriken Rapid firing ranged weapon.
Dragonspear Massive spear with chain attached that pulls player to destination upon impact.
Rapidly switching between a few different weapons. Longsword dealing 2x critical damage.
(Each weapon has different critical chance and multipliers.)

To promote combat variety even further, there are also a few different arrow types to switch between.

Standard Basic arrow.
Concussive Low damage, applies slow.
Splitter Splits into 3 separate lasers.
Rapidly switching between arrow types mid-combat.

Not too much progress was made on different enemy types.
The only thing really distingusihing them is speed, health, and size.

Spider Common, low health, spawn in large groups.
Imp Rare, fast, medium health.
Ice Golem Massive, slow, high health.

Infinite world generation using a "chunk" system similiar to Minecraft.
To aid in exploration, the player has a wolf form for increased movement speed at the cost of not being able to attack.

World being generated as player roams in wolf form.

Stats Combat stats to aid in combat. Upon leveling up, the player can choose which stats to prioritize.
Equipment Player can have a melee weapon, ranged weapon, and ammo type equipped at the same time. Can rapidly switch using the hotbar.
Time Basic day/night cycle. The current time can be seen at the top of the character menu.
Weather Basic weather system. Will randomly start raining for a random amount of time.

This game features it's own Dialogue and Quest systems. NPCs can be interacted with and the player can start, track, and complete quests given to them by NPCs.

Completing quests rewards the player with specific rewards and also unlocks more quests to complete.

Player starting and completing the basic "Shoot 5 targets" quest.