The objective is to destroy all asteroids without colliding with them. Destroying the last asteroid of each level will automatically advance to the next level which will have even more asteroids than the last.

Player wraps to opposite side when reaching an edge. This makes for somewhat disorienting but fun gameplay.

Buzz Catyear is equipped with a state-of-the-art triple burst laser rifle, but there are many power-ups floating throughout space that can tempoerarily improve it's effectiveness.

The bullet spread of this shotgun makes it one of the most effective power-ups if used correctly.

This powerup simply removes the triple-burst property of the standard rifle and turns it into a machine gun. Due to the fact that you're in space and each shot fired pushes the player back, this powerup is one of the more difficult ones to make use of.

Similar to the normal rapid fire power-up, except this causes the player to shoot in two opposite directions and disables the player's movement.

This power-up temporarily makes the player invincible while shooting out bullets in a circular pattern.